Maybe these tips will one day save your life. Well, or at least just get rid of the unpleasant sensations.
Why cramps happen?
The causes of the spasms are not yet fully understood. But the known factors that provoke them:
1. Hypothermia
Due to low temperatures the blood vessels constrict, and blood flow is disturbed.
2. Overvoltage
Cramps often suffer athletes: sport leads to microtraumas in muscles, as they are to poor blood circulation.
3. The wrong shoes
Too tight or simply uncomfortable shoes impair blood circulation and make the muscles all the time to strain.
4. Pregnancy
Scientists do not know exactly why this happens, but seizures often occur in the second and third trimester.
5. Genetic predisposition
Nervous system is functioning at all different: someone cramps did not happen, and someone they happen on the slightest occasions.
6. Medication
Some medicines have such side effect. Read the instructions for your pills, maybe it’s just them.
7. Weight
Obesity disturbed hormonal balance and cramps are a side effect.
What to do?
Here are 3 reception – choose any depending on the situation.
1. Loading leg
Gently put your foot on the floor and try to poprikalyvatsya toe to heel. You can just jump on the injured leg. It is desirable that the floor was cool, and you didn’t have shoes.
2. Stretch
If you brought a calf, put the leg in front of you and pull the toes toward you. This is not possible? Then just lift your toes to your Shin without hands.
If you brought the front part of the thigh, bend the leg at the knee and pull back toe to buttock. During the voyage do the same, but first inhale more air.
3. Massage
Fit the fingers, any tumbler, or even just a pinch. The main thing is to provide blood flow to the injured muscle.
4. Poke with a needle
Before you swim, you will wear swimsuit pin, and in the case of seizures poke it directly into the muscle. But this is an emergency method: it is not known how clean the water surrounds you. Use it only in extreme cases.
And if that is repeated often?
Refer to the doctor. Cramps can talk about health problems. For example:
- about chronic venous insufficiency. In addition to seizures, this disease is accompanied by fatigue and swelling of legs;
- the shortage of potassium, sodium, calcium or magnesium. Without these electrolytes deteriorates the relationship of the brain with the muscles, and they can’t relax;
- about sugar diabetes. High levels of glucose in the blood can provoke spasms.
Themselves cramps pretty harmless. But they can be extremely dangerous if they catch you far from shore. So be sure to remember our instructions.