Processed meats: what is it really dangerous

Studies in nutrition related to the study of processed meat products, warning that its consumption poses a serious health hazard.

As defined by the world health organization (who), processed meat is meat, transformed by salting, canning, fermenting, Smoking, or other processes to improve taste and increase shelf life.

Such meat products include bacon, sausages, frankfurters, sausages, juicy beef, canned meat and much more. They are among the main sources of saturated fat in the diet of Russians (26% of the cost of the total basket of consumption).

When it comes to processed meat, the best known health risk is cancer. Having studied the statistics of large-scale studies and studies on animals, the who classified the processed meat as carcinogenic to humans i.e. can cause cancer.

The international Agency for research on cancer (International Agency for Research on Cancer) said that there was ample evidence, according to which consumption of processed meat causes colon cancer. Limited research data also indicate a link between consumption of such products and cancer of the stomach.

In addition, in a recent review of the school of public health, Harvard University named after T. H. Chan (Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health) found a strong correlation between consumption of processed meat and breast cancer (9% risk).

Previous work linked to increased risk of certain cancers with higher consumption of meat, and this recent meta-analysis shows that consumption of processed meat may also increase the risk of breast cancer. Therefore, the reduction in the consumption of processed meat seems to be useful for the prevention of breast cancer, said Dr. Farvid Maryam (Maryam Farvid), lead author of the study.

Consumption of processed meat products increases the risk of other cancers, however, inconsistent results of research does not yet provide a sufficient evidence base.

In addition to cancer, potential risk to health is increased blood pressure. Study 2014, which was attended by more than 44 000 women found a link between consumption of processed red meat (in contrast to fresh meat) and hypertension. So it seems the most likely hypothesis, according to which guilty of high salt content, which is used in this product as a flavoring and a preservative.

Potentially dangerous and other preservative sodium nitrate. He damaging blood vessels, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, to maintain heart health experts in the health field are encouraged to eliminate processed meats from the diet.

Considering all these aspects, nutritionists recommend limiting consumption of processed meat and go for fresh meat, reducing portion. And the most healthy diet, according to experts-nutritionists, the Mediterranean diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, seafood, olive oil, nuts and whole grain foods.

Valeria SEMA