Osteoarthritis of the spine: a doctor explains the symptoms and treatment

Osteoarthritis of the spine is one of the most common arthritis and is a degenerative, non-inflammatory disease. Especially in the area of the cervical and lumbar spine complaints. As the causes of age-related cartilage wear and tear and the strain on the joints apply.

What is osteoarthritis of the spine?

The technical term for osteoarthritis of the spine is Spondylosis deformans. This term is a collective term for degenerative changes to the spine. The term is used in the literature inconsistently, but ultimately, always a degenerative change of the Parts of the spine.

Typically start the degenerative changes of the spine at the beginning with a so-called Spondylarthrosis. The Spondylarthrosis is a osteoarthritis of the small joints of the Spine (often facet joints ). Has a symptomatic Spondylarthrosis, i.e., you suffer from pain and other complaints, so one speaks also of so-called facet syndrome.

The vertebral joint arthrosis is a degenerative, so due to wear-related disease. They removal describes the destruction of the small vertebral joints by rubbing, as a result of a Cartilage. This causes pain and restricts the freedom of movement.

About the expert

Dr. Tobias Weigl is a physician, pain expert and Director of the medical technology company Bomedus GmbH.

Who is at risk?

Osteoarthritis of the spine can affect everyone of us. Of the intervertebral joint arthritis affects women more frequently than men. The risk of disease increases as in the case of any arthrosis with age. From 60 years for each patient in the area of the lower spine, so the lumbar spine (LWS), Arthro are almost to observe tables processes. In 40 percent of cases were over 40 Years of back pain caused by arthritis in this area. In case of under-40-Year-olds are only 15 per cent.

More than 90 percent of the more than 60-Year-old has a so-called Spondylarthrosis. However, only less than a quarter of those Affected get symptoms or problems. The majority, therefore, has a osteoarthritis of the spine, but no complaints.

The intervertebral joint osteoarthritis is only one of a number of degenerative spine processes.

The following three diseases are often associated with osteoarthritis:

1. Chondrosis: Typical Symptom is the loss of fluid in the intervertebral discs. This leads to a decrease in Height between the vertebral bodies. The intervertebral discs are supplied with blood, but are supplied by Diffusion of nutrients. As a result of fluid loss, it comes to an under-supply of nutrients and to a decrease in the elasticity. There are cracks and gaps. In professional jargon one speaks then of a Chondrosis intervertebralis.

2. Osteochondrosis: the wear and tear of the intervertebral discs, the load on the vertebral body is greater. The vertebral bodies form a so-called lime hem. Including is a so-called sclerosis below the cartilage surface. Osteochondrosis is based on degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs and the vertebrae. In this disease, the conversion of cartilage to bone is disrupted, which is actually a component of a normal growth process.

3. Spondylosis: the reduced stability to compensate, bony pull-out payments, and extensions. The bone or the vertebral body alters its shape. These so-called Spondylophyten two vertebral bodies to bridge and it comes to movement restrictions until the stiffening of the spine. One speaks then also of a Spondylosis deformans.

Why do I get osteoarthritis of the spine?

The causes are varied and different. While in the past mostly mechanical Loading and Overloading as the cause was known, recent studies show that both the genetics as well as the presence of certain hormones (especially from the fat tissue) negative impact on the cartilage cells.

In General, the following risk factors:

  1. familial predisposition,
  2. Obesity and metabolic disorders,
  3. Hormone imbalances or imbalances,
  4. constant mechanical stress (due to performance sports such as football),
  5. Developmental disorders (e.g. hip dysplasia),
  6. Failed growth after bone fractures,
  7. previous damage.

Symptoms: How do I know if an arthrosis of the spine?

The consequences of a vertebral joint arthritis can be a painful tension in the back. Typical signs of an increasing immobility and stiffness in the back.

To be able to the symptoms to properly allocate, it is important to know which area of the spine is affected:

Cervical spine: neck and shoulder pain can occur when the cervical spine is affected. Often, these pains are one-sided. You can also radiate to the upper arm and in the back of the head. Added to this is a for this area typical restriction of movement of the head. Optionally, a feeling of dizziness or ringing in the ears can occur.

Thoracic spine: osteoarthritis of the vertebral joints in the thoracic spine manifests itself in the Form of pain in the back and in the rear of the chest. This pain can arise as a respiratory-dependent, and in the front chest area radiating. The to the vertebral bodies adjoining the vegetative Nerve, a part of the nervous system may be irritated and Nausea, dullness, as well as Cold sweats cause.

Lumbar spine: the lumbar spine, i.e. the lower area of the spine affected, so it is important to back pain, on one or both sides are felt. Often, this pain occurs in the course of the first movement as the start-up pain after prolonged rest or after stress. This pain can radiate into the buttocks and into the thigh and lower leg.

Typical indicator for a spine osteoarthritis are

  • Painful tension in the back,
  • increasing immobility, stiffness,
  • unilateral neck or shoulder pain, back pain, pain, cross,
  • The pain radiate to the extremities and organs

As the doctor helps

The diagnosis of facet joint arthrosis occurs via a combination of patient history, clinical examination and imaging procedures. A laboratory investigation can be made.

In the history of the conversation between the doctor and the Patient recorded medical history and current symptoms obtained. The doctor also informed about existing pre-existing conditions, and cases of osteoarthritis in the family, occupation of the patient as well as medication, this is regularly. In connection with the intervertebral joint osteoarthritis, the doctor will ask for numbness or loss of strength.

The clinical examination is used for the recording of General data, such as age, size, and weight. Then the Patient is scanned and prompted for certain movements to perform, so that the doctor can get an image of any faulty load. In addition, the doctor will check the individual movements themselves. The exact location of the osteoarthritis of the affected vertebral joint is the target of the investigation.

An x-ray image, the most important notes in regards to osteoarthritic changes. A worn cartilage can best be achieved through a narrowed joint space between the vertebral joints recognize. But on the basis of an x-ray image, the doctor may also irregularities on joint surfaces and bony deformities or attachments (osteophytes). Especially in the lumbar spine area can also be shifts of the vertebral body is visible.

The computer tomography can provide an even clearer picture of the vertebral joint condition and the diagnosis is secure. A magnetic resonance imaging allows the spine in addition, an Overview of the entire lumbar, so that all the disc are displayed in-between spaces. These two methods are also cysts that can form in the joints are recognizable.

A laboratory examination, e.g., blood or synovial fluid is examined, it serves, especially to the exclusion of other possible diseases.

For the vertebral joint arthrosis does not apply, that they, like osteoarthritis, in General, to holistically curable. Rather, the treatment should help to make everyday life pain free. First of all, should a so-called conservative therapy as a treatment option considered, in which drugs are used can. Surgical treatment should only be considered if the combination of conservative and medical therapy leads to the desired result.

In the context of a conservative therapy of the vertebral joint arthrosis, particularly physiotherapeutic measures. These serve to mobilize the patient as well as his muscles to strengthen and stretch. An adaptation of the life circumstances, for example, the reduction of Obesity, or the change of diet, can contribute to the improvement. For pain relief can also be a physical therapy to be carried out, for example in the Form of electro-therapy, or therapeutic baths (balneotherapy).

Medication can of therapy supportive. To the usual preparations, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving drugs, such as Ibuprofen or Diclofenac. Alternatively, the doctor may consider the use of an anesthetic directly into the joint to give – this process is Infiltration .

Osteoarthritis is the more advanced, even more surgical procedures to be undertaken. The fusion Operation of the spine, to counteract instability. This single movement will screw segments on implants, such as rod systems, connected to each other.

Tip: What can I do?

  • Targeted and conscious diet: a nutritious diet with plenty of antioxidants, such as Vitamin C and E, as well as high-quality Oils, such as fish, walnut, or avocado oil.
  • Movement, strengthening and stretching the muscles.

Common Patient Questions

Question 1: Can I prevent the emergence of a vertebral joint arthrosis?

Of course, especially through consistent muscle building workouts. Even if a vertebral joint arthrosis is caused by different factors, is due to a large proportion of cases, to a weak muscles. In this context, the best by a physiotherapist for advice.

Question 2: What do I need for an electro-surgical sclerosing?

For a period of several days, you should get from your doctor decongestant and pain relieving drugs prescribed. Likewise, an accompanying Gymnastics, so that the supporting muscles can be built. Continue with the Exercises learned, if possible, independently.

Question 3: How dangerous facet joint osteoarthritis?

It is not life-threatening, but to let you not treat, it will lead to ever worsening pain and limitation of movement. The therapy for such a arthritis is versatile and surgery should not be done always.