Finish line: 7 signs that labor is not far off

Gala evening, around guests, evening dress and then you have water breaks… don’t worry, in life do not have the birth happen as suddenly as in the movies. Just follow the symptoms:

1. Belly dropped

2-3 weeks before the first birth , the child pressed her head to the bottom of the uterus and pulls her down. From the outside it looks as if the belly moved down to the side of the pelvis.

If this is not your first child, prolapse of the stomach can happen on the day of delivery. But it happens sometimes that it is not happening.

2. You lost

If you suddenly came down swelling, and scales show minus 1-3 kg, can collect things in the hospital. This means that you have a decreased level of progesterone – hormone that supports pregnancy. He held up the water in your body.

3. Tube departed

To protect the baby from infections, the cervix is closed by a plug of mucus. Before birth the cervix softens and prepares to release the child, so the tube moves. This can be seen when visiting the toilet. However, it sometimes happens that the mucus leaves the body in parts, and then you can skip this symptom.

4. You really want to do something around the house

Remember the saying “hang the Laundry will start a fight”? This is not just a popular superstition before the birth of the women included “the nesting instinct”. Hormones inspire in her a burning desire to wash dishes, re-hang the picture and beat carpets.

5. There were problems with the stomach

In the body hormonal changes and it can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. But heartburn and regurgitation, on the contrary, go: dropped uterus and no longer presses on the diaphragm and stomach. For this reason, it becomes easier to breathe.

6. The child calmed down

The child grew up, and he felt cramped in the uterus. That is why he can stop kicking and pushing.

In the last four weeks before birth doctors recommend at least twice a week to undergo cardiotocography – to make sure that the fruit is all right.

7. Sore pubic bone

Bones soften, and you are chased by a dull aching pain. It’s not terrible, but on the contrary, speaks of a normal pregnancy.

You’re pregnant, nausea, cramps and mood swings feels your husband? This kuvad syndrome – a condition experienced by up to 60% of future fathers. Details – in the article “We’re pregnant! Why man feels “in position”.