Why vomiting occurs in a child without fever?

Itself vomiting the child is not a disease. It appears due to disruption of the organism or pathogenic infections, and viruses. Vomiting in a child without fever indicates that the child has no virus infection and acute respiratory illness. So look for reasons likely to have in the field of gastrointestinal diseases.


It so happens that child toshnet and tears without a specific reason. But it is unlikely a healthy child will be sick just like that. The mechanism of vomiting due to contraction of smooth muscles of the stomach and striated muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and diaphragm. The lack of temperature retching should suggest violations of the gastrointestinal tract, intoxication by drug or gastrointestinal infections.

If your child has vomiting without fever, do not rule out malfunctions of metabolic processes, as well as psychogenic factors. Talk about the reasons for vomiting in a child read more.

Child vomits after eating or after taking drugs

Or after heavy drinking. And possibly after taking drugs. Causes of nausea and vomiting in actual fact a huge number. But the most common are Allergy or functional gastrointestinal disorders (especially in infants). Medications taken orally can also cause vomiting in a child.

Vomiting without fever (or with a slight increase) may nablyudaetsya in children with non-communicable diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer, ulcerative colitis, etc.). Also vomiting can be due to allergic reactions of the child to a particular allergen.

Functional gastrointestinal disorders are associated with anatomical and functional immaturity of the digestive system, immaturity of the Central and peripheral nervous system of the intestine and features of the formation of the intestinal microbiota. So, vomiting in kids, most likely caused by these factors.

If you experience vomiting child should be seen by a surgeon in a hospital. Treatment of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract is surgically.

Intoxication with medications may occur because of the carelessness of adults to dosing of medications. But also vomiting may be accompanied by and taking the right doses of medication. In this case, you should change the method of drug delivery from an oral to an injectable, inhalation and rectal suppositories.

Gastrointestinal infections

Vomiting without fever in a child is a harbinger of acute gastro-intestinal diseases:

  • gastroenteritis
  • dysentery,
  • salmonellosis.

Spoiled food, unwashed fruits and vegetables, failure to comply with hygiene standards are the main reasons bacteria into the child’s body.

Why child vomits? with this issue, you should immediately consult a doctor. Yes, the child’s body has some features associated with the digestive system. But if the child vomits after meals, and temperature are not observed, you must pass the tests for infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vomiting in a child without fever and diarrhoea: a review of disease

If we ignore the trivial indigestion or overeating, frequent vomiting in a child that is not accompanied by fever and diarrhea, may be caused by the following pathologies:

  • The pilorospazme. It is nothing like spasmodic attacks in the digestive system of the baby, specifically in the stomach. As a rule, the pilorospazme occurs as a result of the immaturity of the nervous system of the child. Usually this phenomenon is observed in neonates and infants. In a child, there was abundant vomiting, restlessness and poor sleep. Can parents note that the child was not gaining weight, which is associated with malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract. It is important not to confuse vomiting when pilorospazme with the usual regurgitation.
  • Disruption in the Central nervous system. In this case, the vomiting not associated with eating. Often, when disorders in the nervous system vomiting accompanied by dizziness, severe weakness and convulsions. The main reason of disorders of the Central nervous system in babies lies in the fetal malformations, prematurity and hypoxia.
  • Intestinal obstruction. If there is to be intestinal obstruction, vomiting, usually accompanied by severe pain and cramps in the stomach. In the stool the child’s blood can appear. The most common cause of intestinal obstruction parasitic infestation. In rare cases, we are talking about the polyps and neoplastic lesions of the intestine.
  • Foreign body in the esophagus. Because young children often take everything in the mouth, the cause of vomiting may be a foreign object in the esophagus. One of the signs of this situation can be increased salivation. In addition, the child complains of pain in the neck and shortness of breath.
  • Inflammatory processes in the digestive system. It is often noted bloating. In the vomit, you can see the bile, and phlegm.
  • Authenicity syndrome. Some kids noted the high content of acetone in the blood. With the increase of acetone vomiting comes on suddenly. In such cases, a high risk of severe dehydration of the body, so the child must see a doctor and to do everything necessary to replenish the water balance.

Why else the child may experience vomiting no fever?

  • malfunctions of metabolic processes (uremia, diabetes);
  • nervous disorders, sleep disturbances;
  • irregularities in the vestibular system;
  • excitement, fear, physical fatigue;
  • demonstrative vomiting (the desire to attract attention).

In violation of metabolic processes occurs atrophy of the intestinal mucosa, which is accompanied by loss of enzyme activity and production of hydrochloric acid. This complicates the process of digestion and assimilation of food. Disturbed motility of the gastrointestinal tract, suffers from the local immunity. All these changes lead to intestinal dysbiosis, which is further aggravated by the digestive process. Vomiting without fever is a very characteristic symptom of the failure of metabolism in the body of the child. In each case it is necessary to consult with the child’s doctor and restoring water-salt balance after vomiting.

If child vomits as a result of overstimulation or jitters, then treatment should be a psychologist or a neurologist. In case of vomiting associated with the instability of the vestibular apparatus, the problem should pass with age. But the consultation also should not be neglected.

When vomiting occurs with diarrhea

Often vomiting the child is accompanied by diarrhoea (or diarrhea). We have already considered the possibility of food poisoning (the most common causes of such symptoms), but in some cases vomiting and diarrhea can occur when the following diseases and conditions:

  • Of metabolic disorders. For example, it may be a trivial lactose intolerance, when the body of the child is not enough of the enzyme lactase. When the breach begins lactose ferments in the large intestine of the baby, which leads to indigestion. Another common cause of gluten intolerance. In such cases, to prevent the development of such symptoms should avoid to eat food with the above-mentioned components.
  • Appendicitis. In this case vomiting occurs with very severe pain in right side in region of navel.
  • Dysbacteriosis. In the case when the body of the baby is disturbed intestinal microflora may develop symptoms of dysbiosis vomiting, and diarrhea. Parents need to be attentive to antibiotic treatment because these drugs are destructive, not only to pathogenic organisms, but also useful. Strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations about duration of antimicrobial therapy. Under no circumstances do not stop the course of antibiotic therapy before the appointed time, even if the baby is feeling much better.

Important: psychogenic vomiting

Kids are quite sensitive and emotional, so vomiting could be the result of a number of psychogenic factors. Most often it is fear or strong emotion. It is worth noting that some children are prone to so-called demonstrative vomiting. This occurs in situations when the child feels slighted and alone, and thus the child is just trying to attract the attention of adults. Teenagers (especially girls) vomiting can be caused by anorexia. In this case, you need the help of a therapist.

First steps mothers with vomiting in a child

How to treat vomiting in a child with acute infection of the stomach is determined by the physician. So first of all call your doctor! Until the doctor need to give the baby slightly warm, salted mineral (without gas) water, acidulated with lemon juice. Alternatively, a suitable decoction of anti-inflammatory herbs chamomile, peppermint or gastric collection. It will provide unloading of the gastrointestinal tract, weaken the symptoms of toxicosis and make up for the loss of fluid and mineral salts.

It is worth considering the fact that the first symptoms of vomiting occur within 4-48 hours after eating. If vomiting lasts more than a day, the child must show a doctor.

Often parents simply do not know what to do with vomiting in a child and start to panic. To do this in any case impossible, because you will only hurt. Ensure that the child’s position was such that the vomit does not get into the respiratory tract. Turn baby on its side and keep in half-upright position. Infants best to keep upright.

If your child has vomiting without fever, do not rush to give him medicine immediately. The first step is to determine the cause of vomiting, and only then to start treatment. In addition, prior to consultation with a doctor should not do baby washing.

If a child is poisoned, it should be fluids. This is necessary to prevent dehydration. Remember that after each attack of vomiting, the child should a little water to rinse the mouth.

In cases where a child was poisoned, but there is no vomiting, it can cause, pressuring the child to drink water (or milk). Then need to put pressure on the tongue root with a finger or spoon, after which, usually, vomiting occurs.

Diet for vomiting in a child

What to feed the child after vomiting? Here are a few basic principles of nutrition of the child after vomiting:

  • Never feed the child forcefully. If the child does not want to eat, it is not necessary to force it.
  • Be sure to observe the drinking regime. It is necessary to reduce the risk of dehydration.
  • Enter in the menu the foods that have a gentler effect on the digestive system.
  • After vomiting the first meals should be a liquid diet of porridge made from rice, buckwheat or oat groats.
  • Be sure to consider the cause of vomiting, with food choices.

It is noteworthy that breastfeeding vomiting does not stop, and as previously entered foods, it needs to stop until full recovery.

In addition to cereals, after vomiting child can be fed the following foods and dishes:

  • baked apples (to give as a puree);
  • boiled broccoli and carrots;
  • bananas;
  • app cookies and crackers;
  • boiled eggs;
  • vegetable soups;
  • jelly.

Meat and fish do not give in the first 3-4 days after the disease. If a child feels good, then enter the meat dishes can be in the form of steam cutlets or meatballs. During the week after vomiting all food should be not fat and diet.