The journal BMJ published data obtained in the new study, researchers from the University of Oxford (UK). Experts have found that the best way to lose weight is the so-called “liquid diet” – feed system low-calorie liquid dishes, e.g. soups.
In the experiment the Oxford researchers were involved 278 obese patients who had to be on a liquid diet for eight weeks. The first four participants had soblyudaetsya modest diet – only to 810 kcal per day. But in the next four weeks in their meals included and other products.
The result of the experiment was as follows. Participants who responsibly abide by a liquid diet, lost an average of 10,7 kg. In the control group, where people dropped weight through a healthy, balanced diet, they lost weight by 3.1 kg.
Thus, resumeresultset, for tangible results of losing weight should eat low-calorie soups and other liquids (herbal teas, smoothies, shakes). According to lead author of the project, Professor Paul Award, in terms of the liquid diet, it is important to focus on the first 12 weeks. The effect is worth it: people lose three times more weight. Thus, according to the researchers, tangenitally the risk of heart problems and diabetes of the second type.
Renamedialog wrote about the fact that type two diabetes is among the five non-communicable diseases, which were recognized as the most deadly for modern people.