Wearing a bra, compressing the fabric, may contribute to the development of breast cancer previously reported. However, a new study by scientists from the USA showed no link between breast cancer and the constant presence of a bra on the female body no. About work of scientists tells the journal Cancer, Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention.
The theory about the dangers of wearing a bra for women’s health arose when it became known that in developing countries and most African countries is the lowest in the world statistics of breast cancer. Developments in countries where bras is a required element of the female image in the cultural reasons, on the contrary, show the highest incidence of this cancer.
New data refute this theory. The findings of scientists about the safety of the bras are based on data obtained during examination of more than a thousand women aged 55 to 74 years. Of these, 454 women were diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma, 590 women with invasive lobular carcinoma. The control group consisted of 469 healthy women.
On each of the participating scientists collected detailed information, including the facts of origin, family status and presence of children, and, in addition, about wearing a bra for life. Evaluating the obtained data, the researchers stated that the link between wearing bra and breast cancer in women after menopause missing.
“The risk of breast cancer does not depend on how many hours per day a woman wears a bra, no matter whether it has bones, or even from what age used bra” – summed up in the end, the authors of the project.
Earlier Magicforum wrote that scientists were the four leading causes of colon cancer.