Cardiac rehab: Flexible programs for women

Women with heart disease today need flexible ways to health programs to participate in. This was the result of a study in the "European Journal of Preventive Cardiology", a journal of the European cardiac society, has been published.

"Women tend to put others before yourself priorisieren", the author of the Study Dr. Jennifer Reed from the Heart Institute of the University of Ottawa says. A wide range of family, community go hand in hand, social and professional requirements, so that many have the feeling that no time for the rehabilitation application.

Women take part less in a rehab

Cardiovascular diseases are the most common however, the death cause in women and a third of all deaths accounted for 2015 cases among women. After a serious heart condition such as a heart attack will get improve recommended patients for cardiac rehabilitation to take part, where you play sports, your lifestyle, psychological support and assistance in the withdrawal from Smoking. 10 to 20 percent take part but fewer women than men, and the dropout rate is higher among women.

The U.S. researchers identified different barriers: inflexible training times, inappropriate athletic requirements and offerings, lack of support in the family environment, great distances, or the compositions of rehabilitation courses, often as a "Männerclub" are perceived to be.

Flexible and customized Training

Women preferred more activities such as Zumba, Tai Chi, Qigong, balance exercises, Dancing or Nordic Walking, which take place at flexible times in your proximity and the intensity of their age-adjusted benefit: While older women tend to Exercises that reduce the risk of falls and help you with your daily activities, strenuous like younger women like it too. Reed says: "We take more time for the activities that we enjoy and is important to keep the. Dance seems to be a particularly appealing Option for women. With a little creativity, we can modernize the cardiac rehabilitation so that you will be more attractive to women and relevant."