Head pain: in children and young people to take seriously

Quality of life and efficiency will be affected in young people by headache as well as older. However, the lack of awareness in society often seem to do, that headaches in children and adolescents are seriously. This is a study of German pain expert to recognize.

Scientists at the University hospital Carl Gustav Carus in Dresden, had asked 2.706 school children and found that more than two-thirds of them have regular headaches. Among the high school students, there were almost 80 per cent. Nearly 37 percent suffer once a month headaches, almost 32 per cent two or more times per month, some of them even for more than 15 days. Only a third claimed to have no headaches. Although more than 20 percent of the children with headache are missing so common in school, to search for the most no doctor. Instead, a big part of you with pain medication or homeopathic remedy for pain.

According to the study, in the journal "Cephalalgia" appeared, head pain is the third most common cause of missed days at school. "Often headaches result in a vicious circle. School days of absence can lead to a drop in performance, school failure, and school anxiety, many of the affected children isolate themselves socially, even with the risk of Depression erhöht&quot is;, Professor Dr. Gudrun Goßrau, who led the study said in Private. The pediatricians hold the arbitrary regular intake of painkillers can be problematic, because these in turn can cause headaches or increase. Explain that there are different headache types require different treatments, and warn that an untreated head can develop pain to a chronic disease.