No porn, no Masturbating, not Flirting times: What’s behind NoFap

The women call themselves Femstronauten, the men Fapstronauten, and both of them want to leave of themselves: NoFap is an Internet forum from the USA, which also has followers in Germany, is. The Website wants to help people, from porn to get away. For the most renounce for a time to lay their hands on – often for 90 days.

What is the goal of the trailers is up to you. Religious motives play no role, not even a movement wants to be NoFap, only a “porn recovery site” – a site of porn stressed can recover. More than 90.000 Videos are found on the concept of NoFap on the Video platform Youtube – “to fap” is the English slang word for masturbate.

“I made it 60 days, not to not watch porn, to masturbate and to remain sexually abstinent,” says a young man called Vackurah. He seems excited and reported that he was self-confident, have hardly any muscle soreness, sleep better, wool everything to get out of it. The Online fitness coach, Ram Ghuman reported after 30 days of the resignation of more time to flirt with self – awareness and Motivation, also.

Expert: No physical impact

In the NoFap Forum, which has more than 150,000 members, similar to the reports. Also an increase in the testosterone level is the speech. But what is there from a medical point of view in it?

“It happens in the body when you masturbate, even if you don’t masturbate,” says Wolfgang Bühmann, scientific editor-in-chief of the professional Association of German urologists. “There are no physical consequences, and no hormonal changes or any other things,” stresses the physician.

Psychologist: a General Trend towards abstinence

Psychologically, it might look different. “I think that the experience that sexual behavior is configurable, in a positive or in the short term, a positive effect on self-esteem can impact,” says Sandra Gathmann. The sex therapist, who works in Vienna and Berlin, sees a Trend towards abstinence – from veganism to the criticism of Consumerism.

“I think the reason for this is that we live in an increasingly complex world, it is necessary to select, and where you also the feeling can get to be with sexual Stimuli overwhelmed,” says Gathmann. It seems, as people positioned themselves against it, “in order to create a niche in the for you to more controllable and even more effective”.

Change the view of the world

NoFap founder Alexander Rhodes is no longer masturbating, he says. Porn look no more. The time was different. Up to six times a day he would have masturbated. “Porn made me put my pleasure above everything else – love, Affection, empathy,” said web developer and a biologist, to “”.

When Sex in a relationship he can only get hard and orgasm. His views on women have changed. “In porn, they are just objects. I didn’t respect women. I had the wrong expectations about Sex too.“

NoFap is turning mainly, but not only to men. Five percent of Users are girls and women. “So, it is a human Problem, not just a male,” says Rhodes, who called the site in 2011. And: “When you excessively masturbate, it makes you a better Partner.”