The concept of marital fidelity, apparently, becomes archaic. A third of young people support polygamy, and one in four wants to married spouses were allowed to make new partners quite officially.
For centuries, marriage was viewed as the sacred Union of men and women, and any infidelity was considered a great sin. Today, however, traditional ideas about family life modified. Many young people believe that modern marriage needs to be some sort of a transaction on a mobile phone. Nothing is sacred in this concept anymore. British researchers found that 25% of people aged 18 to 24 believe that marriage should be a temporary contract, with a constantly renewed date of renewal and the ability to produce an “upgrade” to find new partners.
One-third of this age group supports polygamy, that is, excludes adultery and considers it normal sex on the side. 30% of respondents spoke in favor of the so-called flexible arrangements, under which people can constantly move between different sexual partners. The majority of respondents do not consider the notion of fidelity appropriate to modern realities. In the heyday of a different kind of mobile apps for Dating, when sex becomes very simple and amenable to a precise setting, people don’t see the point in following old traditions.
The survey polled more than 2,000 adults of all age groups. Almost half do not support divorce for no reason when they occur simply at the request of one of the partners, which is not justified. 70% believe that there should be the so-called period of reflection before the divorce, when the partners get a chance to correct the situation and prevent a final parting. (READ MORE)