Millions of victims of hypertension can be saved from death

Due to the ineffective treatment of hypertension each year needlessly die and hundreds of thousands of people from heart attacks and strokes. With such a warning made by the experts.

Hundreds of thousands of people every year needlessly die from heart attacks and strokes which could be prevented if doctors offered them an effective method of treatment of high blood pressure. Experts from the British heart Association has estimated that in the next 10 years the country can save 115 000 people, if the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension will improve. The constant growth in the number of patients with elevated arterial pressure is influenced by such factors as the epidemic of obesity and type II diabetes. Unfortunately, many patients with hypertension are not even aware of having this disease because they erroneously believe that with the pressure faced by pensioners only. Meanwhile, today hypertension getting younger, and it is increasingly diagnosed in people a little older than before and after 30.

It is well known that high blood pressure is the single most important risk factor for stroke. Hypertension also increases the risk of heart attack, and in most cases high blood pressure does not manifest itself, and the presence of people do not even suspect. In Russia with hypertension faced at least 40 million people, of whom approximately 40% are not aware of having this disease. The number of strokes our country is in a leading position worldwide.

That’s why it’s so important to hold different kind of information campaign and actively invite people of all ages to check blood pressure. Doctors recommend to buy home blood pressure monitor and every day to make pressure measurements at the same time to ensure that in the case of hypertension or prehypertensive as early as possible to start treatment and to protect themselves from dangerous diseases. (READ MORE)