A promising strategy for helping stroke patients recover, transplanting neural
Stroke symptoms: The one thing you should NEVER ignore that puts you at risk of a stroke
A stroke is similar to a heart attack but instead
Stroke, cancer and heart disease: Key acid-activated protein channel
Johns Hopkins researchers have discovered a long-sought protein, the proton-activated
High blood pressure leaves one in 3 at risk of stroke
The condition was previously thought to affect just over a
How ‘bad cholesterol’ enters artery walls
UT Southwestern researchers have determined how circulating “bad cholesterol” enters
When designing clinical trials for Huntington’s disease, first ask the experts: Most individuals in the HD community would consider participating in a gene therapy trial
Progress in understanding the genetic mutation responsible for Huntington’s disease
Shift work increases diabetes and heart disease risk
With over 20% of the population in industrial countries engaging
Aphasia – Language Disorder Communication Disorder
Aphasia: A Central disorder of language As Aphasien acquired, Central
Woman, 40, suffers stroke during YOGA headstand
Woman, 40, suffered a stroke from YOGA after tearing a
In the fish oil contained active ingredients effectively protect against heart attack and stroke
Consume fish oil derivative for the protection of the health?