Increasing physical fitness among middle-school children attending schools in New
Keeping active in middle age may be tied to lower risk of dementia
Keeping physically and mentally active in middle age may be
Breast screening linked to 60 per cent lower risk of breast cancer death in first 10 years
Women who take part in breast screening have a significantly
Eating fatty cheese could lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes
Eating fatty cheese, yogurt and butter could LOWER your risk
Bigger the family lower the risk of cancer
Members of extended families rarely get cancer. This factor reduces
One Football Rule Change Might Lower Concussion Risk
TUESDAY, Oct. 2, 2018 — The most dangerous play in
Women taking the combined pill have a lower risk of ovarian cancer
Women taking newer versions of the combined pill have up
Cancer patients have lower risk of opioid-related death than general public
Opioid use among cancer patients does not appear to be