Researchers with The Ohio State University College of Medicine and
High testosterone could play a role in serious heart conditions
High testosterone levels could be killing men by causing blood
African ancestry associated with risk factors for heart failure
African-Americans are known to have certain cardiac conditions that are
Would you rather die of liver failure or live with HIV?
This was the ethical dilemma faced by doctors at Wits
8 major changes that happen to your body after the rejection of meat
Doctors, nutritionists and scientists still can’t decide whether it is
Heart failure patients with mitral regurgitation benefit from minimally invasive procedure
A multicenter clinical trial has found that a minimally invasive
Antithrombin drug not effective in heart failure with sinus rhythm and coronary disease
The antithrombin drug rivaroxaban does not reduce the risk of
Stress hormone is key factor in failure of immune system to prevent leukemia
The human stress hormone cortisol has been identified by scientists
In patients with heart failure, anxiety and depression linked to worse outcomes
Symptoms of depression and anxiety are present in about one-third