A research team, led by investigators from Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive
Gene changes driving myopia reveal new focus for drug development
Myopia (nearsightedness) and hyperopia (farsightedness) develop through different molecular pathways,
Research shows club drug GHB associated with brain and cognitive changes
Scientists have discovered that regular use of the party drug
Scientists have called the real cause of atherosclerosis
The cause of plaque formation and loss of flexibility of
Changes in meal times can reduce body fat
During a 10-week study on ‘time-restricted feeding’ (a form of
Thousands of unknown DNA changes in the developing brain revealed by machine learning
Unlike most cells in the rest of our body, the
Researchers explore how changes in diet alter microbiome in artificial intestine
Using an artificial intestine they created, researchers have shown that
Changes in mitochondrial DNA control how nuclear DNA mutations are expressed in cardiomyopathy
Differences in the DNA within the mitochondria, the energy-producing structures