Yulia Menshova was surprised with a new image

TV presenter and actress Julia Menshova decided to abandon their traditional way and make your look more stylish and modern. To change the image of the TV star responded not only to the fans online, but other celebrities.

Yulia Menshova was for many years the faithful laying, terribly annoying fashionistas. Many believed the hairstyle of Yulia age, archaic and tasteless. Probably somewhere in the accounting Department this presentation would fit into the atmosphere, but the television star and just a beautiful woman she is not suitable, considered criticism Menshovoj.

Fortunately for them, the artist had the sense to leave his “signature” hairstyle. It grew my hair and agreed to a stylish cut that made her look youthful and easier.

Yulia Menshova has shown result of work on oneself Instagram and caused a storm of enthusiasm. Followers majority of votes agree that the new look of Telebanking much more successful than the previous one. The artist began to look at the spirit of the time and even visually dropped a few years. Yulia Menshova has collected hundreds of laudatory comments, and among them were comments from colleagues.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about the new way of Alla Pugacheva, which also caused a stir in the Network and became a topic of discussion in professional journals.