The smell of acetone breath may occur in the adult and the child. What he’s talking about, and what health problems can be associated with the odor of acetone breath?
There are things that definitely seem unpleasant. For example, it is always frustrating when the interlocutor is bad breath. And realize that your breath is bad and the smell is very unpleasant. Breath is not simply a problem of aesthetics and sense of self. Bad breath often occurs when problems in the body, which we should pay attention to.
Bad breath can occur for various reasons: due to improper care of the mouth, lack of saliva and diseases of the internal organs. Moreover, different diseases provoke the emergence of different smell. For example, an acidic odor a sign of a sick stomach, and putrefaction appears in problems with the intestines. Often when talking with a person we feel the smell of acetone breath. In some cases, however, there is this smell and what is he talking about?
Talking about the smell of acetone breath?
The smell of acetone breath may be a symptom of different disorders in the body. This smell could mean that:
- you have diabetes
- you eat properly and you have problems with digestion
- problems with the thyroid gland
- bad liver
- you have kidney disease
- the place has an infectious disease
Improper diet and the smell of acetone
Acetone is an intermediate product in the breakdown of fats and proteins. If we eat a lot of fat and protein, the body does not have time to fully disassemble the components of proteins and fats and the amount of acetone increases. The result is a kind of breath. This unpleasant effect often occurs in lovers carbohydrate-free diets, as well as those who just feeds irrational, distraught protein and fatty foods.
Acetate breath when fasting
Not only the wrong food, but fasting can cause a smell of acetone. If the body a long time not getting food, the amount of glucose in the blood decreases. Then to get energy, it begins breaking down fats and proteins from its own reserves. As a result, blood has a lot of acetone and occurs breath.
The odor of acetone in diabetes
Common cause of bad breath diabetes. In diabetes glucose cannot in the right quantity to get into the body’s cells and accumulates in the blood. Thus cells get less food and begin to feel energy shortage. Then our body to provide energy to the cells begins to break down proteins and fats. This leads to the production of acetone. A large number of ketone bodies in the blood poisons the body and causes the smell. In diabetes the smell of acetone can be heard also from the urine and skin.
Acetone and thyroid
The smell of acetone may be thyrotoxicosis. In this disease increases the amount of thyroid hormones that stimulate the breakdown of proteins and fats. As a result of excessive breakdown these substances, there is a lot of ketone bodies and there is breath.
The liver and the increase of acetone in the blood
The liver plays an important role in the body’s metabolic processes. The liver produces many enzymes responsible for the breakdown and absorption of various substances. Violation of its normal operation may cause problems with metabolism, resulting in the possible emergence of a large number of ketone bodies.
The kidneys and the smell of acetone
The person may smell like acetone with nephrosis or degeneration of the kidney. This is due to the fact that changes in the renal tubules disrupt protein metabolism within the body. Kidney disease the smell of acetone is present in urine.
Smell of acetone in children is a special case
The smell of acetone breath often appears in children. It is believed that this condition periodically occurs in every fifth child. For intermittent increase in the level of acetone in the blood talking about acetonemic syndrome.
The cause of manifestation of this syndrome in children can be:
- infection
- overeating or improper diet
- a stressful situation
- fatigue
- disruption in the internal organs
- endocrine disorders
- lesions of the nervous system
There is also a genetic predisposition to developing this syndrome. But the acetone in the blood may appear in children who do not have the genes that carry this information.
In most cases acetoneiso syndrome disappears by age 12.
Readers ‘ questions need urgent advice. I have a child (2 years) 18 October 2013, 17:25 mugen urgent advice. I have a child (2 years old) with diarrhea yesterday morning, gave levomitsetin not helped, ate bagels, and a decoction of rice, in the evening gave stoperan and it made him feel better though but in the evening I gave him children’s gulls bebivita and in the morning its much carried, now gave from Altona medicine, and that of Rota smelled the smell, and he has such bladynki, but in the morning except the rice broth didn’t eat anything and diarrhea in the morning after I again gave it stoperan and the diarrhea stopped, and then what do not know./p View answer
Bad breath is a reason to go to the doctor!
The smell of acetone breath signal, using which the body informs us of the problems in the body. This signal is necessary to react! Therefore, when the odor of acetone is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. It will help to check your health status and find out the reason for the appearance of ketone bodies in the blood.