Pregnant actress Maria Poroshina divorced

The star of the show “Chesnochnitsy” and many other popular among Russian viewers of the series Maria Poroshina broke up with her husband, actor Ilya by Trinovum. For more than a month, the pair, which many considered perfect, it is officially divorced, reported by a number of sources of the media.

Maria Poroshina and Ilya Drevnov lived together for more than seventeen years, family life had three daughters. In this marriage grew up the eldest daughter of the actress from a relationship with Gosha Kutsenko. The photos in social networks family Poroshina and Drevnov always seemed happy and friendly. Moreover, recently it became known that Maria Poroshina is preparing to become a mother, at the end of August appeared in the press talking about the fact that the actors are expecting another child. It also seemed to many a sign that the couple are thriving. Why is the couple divorced?

According to reports, the initiator of the divorce became Poroshina: that her application asking for dissolution of marriage in the Tushino district court of Moscow began the process. It happened in early summer.

“As expected, a month after filing, the judge called both spouses in the conversation, and gave time to think and eventually put an end to the matter,” reported the fact of divorce in a judicial area, which hosted the trial of the now former spouse.
What caused the conflict, which has brought the couple to divorce, is still unknown. Poroshina and Drawnow began their relationship after a casual acquaintance in the canteen of the theater “Lenk”. First, both took it simply as a friendship, but it quickly grew into passion and love. From their marriage were perceived as exemplary, and his fourth daughter, the actress gave birth just two years ago

Recall that in the past year, becoming a popular guest of the program “million dollar Secret”, the actor Gosha Kutsenko told about how they broke up with Poroshina marriage is happened when their daughter was only three months from birth. According to Kutsenko, he cheated on Marie, and forgive the betrayal she couldn’t, eventually expelling him from himself.

Earlier Magicforum wrote that Lera Kudryavtseva responded to the attacks of the haters and said that gave birth to the child yourself.