At the beginning of September 2017 veröpublished the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine the results of a Study in Ädoctors and in financial circles, caused a sensation. The conclusion of the researchers of a new Asthma drug was so positive that the share price of the manufacturer on the same day in the Höhe shot and doctors aufhorchten.
"The data are tatsäactually beeindruckend", Professor Roland Buhl, pulmonologist says on Universitätsklinikum Mainz – and calls to Zurückhaltung: "I’ve seen too many active ingredients, the große expectations have awakened and then failed. It is therefore to be seen whether the active ingredient in the nänext Studienphase a größeren group of patients bewährt."
Asthmaanfälle is reduced by up to 70 percent
"Tezepelumab" the bulky Name of the new Hoffnungsträ is;gers. He reduced the Anfälle of the Versuchsparticipants by up to 70 percent, after a year-long thus treated had. Were involved ausschließhuman whose Symptome with gäan independent therapies can be hardly controlled ließen. 10 to 15 percent of all asthma patients gehören to this group: you benöterm cortisone tablets, with all their harmful side effects.
Für köcould Tezepelumab küin the future, an Alternative present. However, as the amazing Studien­ can;results erklären? "It is a new Generation of Antiköthe body active ingredients, to a very frühen time in the Entzü- making cascade of Köbody eingreifen", erklärt expert Buhl. This köcould you help in different asthma forms.
What is the effect of Antiköbody?
Antiköbody are maßtailored proteins with which the Immunsystem excitation detects and bekäwanting. This principle of taking advantage of a physician, in order to treat diseases. In the case of Asthma, for example, on a Überreaktion of the immune system is based, and to switch genetically engineered Antiköbody certain Immunreaktions specifically.
Therefore, these agents come already for years in the treatment – with good results. The previously available on the market befindresources inhibit substances such as Immunoglobulin E (IgE), or the Interleukins 4, 5 and 13 in Asthma a critical role of messenger. The side effects are very moderate. The Asthma-Antikö differ;body significantly about those that are used against cancer.
Still no approval
"From a medical point of view, the potential of such funds enorm", Dr. Thomas herring from the professional Association of German pulmonologist says. He criticises, however, that there is so far no clear rules, where Ädoctors in the case of a regulation based köcan. Therefore, zölike you, recipes dafür issue.
Tezepelumab is not yet approved and must be potential in a größeren study. If this succeeds, the drug comes fü still only;r a small group of stakeholders – in Germany schäup way für about 80 000 to 100 000 patients. Not only because most of the patients with the gämetered Sprays her Asthma in control, but also because the Antiköbody are expensive. "Üabout a year ago, costs a treatment with cortisone about 1000 Euro. Instead one has set Antiköbody a, schlägt, the with of twenty times the sum of the Buche", herring says.
Alternative to cortisone tablets
A profit wäre the active ingredient nevertheless, für those people, the permanently cortisone in tablet form, swallow mü. Such therapy is usually with substantial Nebenwirgifts and can to Folgeschäthe like, for example, osteoporosis, severe weight gain, Diabetes, or cataracts führen. Buhl and herring are agreed: "Für such patients wäre the new drug is a great Alternative."