Sometimes you don’t even know that you have an infection, but are already contagious. Or you füfeel healthy again, köcan still infect other people. So schüyou will appreciate yourself
In Asia, rather üliterally: By the mouth, protecting other people against infection schüsupport
Often, the disease agent spreads already in the Köbody, and you realize nothing of it (incubation period). So Ringelrö are about;stuffs längst is contagious even if no rash is seen.
Sometimes füone feels after an illness a lot better, trägt the virus-but still in – and you can ü to other people;transferred. So how läthe infection can be minimize the risk? Dr. Anja Meurer, a specialist für infectious diseases, klärt:
To prevent infections
Some of the infection ließe avoid, if grundsäadditional hygiene rules more respected wüauthorities, says Meurer.
The Ärztin rät, after coming Home, using the toilet, blowing your Nose, and before cooking, always Häto wash hands. Fläand Gegenstäbeaches that are edged by many people, regelmäßig säubern.
Who is already sick should in his common room regelmäßig lüshops, in order to reduce the germ load, and only in the Ärmel and not in the Hand of sneezing. In materials kögerms can’t multiply.
In the case of virus infections rät expert Meurer, zusäin addition, a disinfectant, the virus abtötet.
Flu Infection (Erkäcold)
Cold virus the breath attack paths and cause pain in addition to a runny nose, also cough and sore throat. The symptoms spätesting füfive days after infection, and lä not remain in the rule;longer than a week. At this time, patients are contagious. You ütransmitted the virus through Tröpfchen, which are spread when you cough or Sneeze.
Why are we, especially in the Winter erkädesigned? The Kälte begüconvenient that viruses reproduce, because the Schleimhäute poor circulation and dry wüauthorities, says Meurer. In addition, you häsingle-stage with other in a closed Rätrees to give more excitation light.
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Real Flu
Flu viruses multiply in the nose and throat Secretions and is spread through Sneezing, coughing or Talking üover the air. Breathe a different person, the virus or get it to his Hand and from there to the mouth or eye, köcan the pathogen üabout the Schleimhäute in its Köbody penetration.
One to two days after infection, the disease breaks out. Affected füplö.vulnerable, weak, often suffer from fever, sore throat and dry cough, muscles, limbs, and headache. They are at least as long contagious as you have symptoms.
You are the hämost common cause of gastro-intestinal infections – in the case of children and traveling. The viruses attack especially between February and April. After infection, one to three days elapse before the disease breaks out. Victims suffer from plöin addition wä onset, ;ssrigem diarrhea, Vomiting and abdominal pain, with the addition of a slight fever as well as cough and runny nose.
Rotaviruses are highly contagious. Even the smallest traces of fecal residues from the rich to infect others. Ill give the excitation with the Häthe. Üabout the mouth in the digestive tract of the nänext Person. But also through contaminated toilets or faucets köcan rotavirus übe transmitted. Although the pain subsides after a few days, the pathogen but will be excreted for up to eight days with the chair.
Diarrhea, Ünausea and vomiting für zwölf up to 48 hours: infections with the virus are usually short, but intense. From December to März you gehäuft. The patients excrete the pathogen in bulk with the stool and vomit; already about ten particle-rich für infection.
High Ansteckungsthe danger of so as soon as the symptoms occur. Even if you are better, divorced patients, the virus often from – usually seven to 14 days.
The bacterial infection is caused by A Streptococcus. It is regarded as a classic disease of childhood, but can also hit adults. Mostly, the pathogens are sitting in the throat and ü get;ber Speicheltröpfchen to other people. Typically breaks out scarlet fever one to three days after infection.
The disease äußert with head and neck pain, Schüttelfrost and quickly rising fever. After one to two days a non-itchy skin rash and the typical pink tongue, pink is called Raspberry. Is crowd treated the salmon with an antibiotic, the Affected after 24 hours contagious.
Fünf to zwölf days after infection, the so-called eye-flu is noticeable. Usually both eyes are red, itchy, and the eyelids to swell. The patients are light shy and often have the Gefühl, as häyou have a Fremdköbody in the eye. The Entzü is;- making caused by bacterial, in addition, there is a purulent yellow mucus. He glued in the morning, the eyelids.
With the symptoms an individual may have up to four weeks to käfighting, at this time they are highly contagious. You should pay attention to strict Hygiene and contact between Häand eyes avoid. In particular, they should eye drops, Handtüor washcloth never share it with others.
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Erkäcold: Why are we always sick?
Every Winter, rolled up a new wave of cold and cough germs on us. How we can be infected, how lä prevent;sst