Winter can be deadly

The Cardiolgy journal JAMA published data obtained by Swedish scientists, which prove mortal danger of winter frosts for the human body. Special perfidy of cold temperatures that they are easily provoke vascular spasms, the researchers note.

According to scientific experts, vasoconstriction occurring in the cold reduces the blood flow, which negatively affects the heart.

“The less oxygen enters the heart, the higher the risk of seizure, which can lead to a lethal outcome”, – said the authors of the new work.
The researchers analyzed data from national registry information about 274 thousands of people who have had a myocardial infarction in the period from 1998 to 2013. It turned out that a heart attack 10% more often happened to people out in the cold. When the temperature of the air outside the window was increased beyond the zero mark, was a clear reduction in the frequency of heart attacks.

At the same time, Russian experts are rather skeptical attitude to the view that the winter frosts can “kill”. According to Medicforma, experts consider it necessary for people with a weak heart adhere to medical recommendations to stay out in the cold.