Some smokers will never be able to do away with tobacco only at the expense of willed effort. The journal Current Biology published the results of a study by French scientists from the Pasteur Institute, which was established to get rid of dependence on cigarettes prevents “harmful” mutation.
In Paris, the biologists conducted a series of experiments on rats, connected to areas of the human genome. Some of these animals when exposed to tobacco smoke have become “smokers” – their need for the product of burning tobacco was identified as a dependency.
Scientists have found that these are dependent on hand smoke rat CHRNA5 gene contained a mutation 5SNP. In the case of removal of a gene or its replacement, the animals again became “normal”, completely losing interest in smoke inhalation. It is obvious that the specific mutation of the gene interacts with nicotinic receptors that affect the brain, experts say.
According to researchers, this mutation is present in one third of Europeans and half of Asians. The smokers among them have been trying to withdraw from nicotine – they always come back to his habit, and such behavior is not due to psychological and genetic factors. After experiments with rats octyaberskaya the possibility of developing a drug that would affect nicotine receptors, just like a healthy and not the mutated gene CHRNA5. Such a remedy, they suggest, would be particularly effective against harmful to health addiction.
Earlier Magicforum wrote that scientists have discovered a new deadly danger-hand smoke.