Amazing case, bordering on a miracle happened in Brazil. There is a woman that doctors could not withdraw from the coma, she woke up when her stomach put a newborn baby.
Pregnant with her third child 28-year-old Brazilian Amanda da Silva was in the hospital because of what happened she has a strong epileptic seizure. Fearing a repeat attack, doctors performed an emergency C-section (she was already in the third trimester of pregnancy), and a young mother plunged into an artificial coma.
When it came time to withdraw the patient from sleep, it turned out that she can not Wake up. The equipment showed that the brain of the Brazilian active, but not painful stimuli, nor the visits of relatives to her room didn’t help to bring the woman back to consciousness.
After numerous unsuccessful attempts to bring the woman out of the coma one of the nurses decided to put on the belly of a mother to her newborn baby. After that, the patient’s heartbeat quickened, and from his eyes flowed with tears. Doctors said that at this moment cried all who were in the house, including staff.
Just in a coma Amanda da Silva has been 23 days, but after a meeting with the child, her condition was rapidly improving, and the woman finally woke up. Two weeks later, the happy mother and her child were discharged home.
“We didn’t expect so quick response. It was mind-blowing! We have no precise scientific answer to what happened, but obviously, don’t underestimate the importance of contact skin-to-skin between mother and child,” commented the case of the doctor on the pages of the Daily Mail.
Earlier Magicforum wrote about another amazing story of awakening from a coma, in which the woman had been 7 years.