The man lost penis due to medical mistakes

The transmission, recorded by the surgeon during the operation, ended with the removal of the penis – this dramatic story happened to a resident of the UK, Andrew lane.

Ill with prostate cancer, 63-year-old lane was formed in 2013 for an operation to remove the prostate gland. During this procedure the doctor accidentally punctured the bowel men, that at first no one paid attention.

However, due to the damage developed a rare infection (necrotizing fasciitis) caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes that struck the urogenital system. The question arose about saving lives, and solve it only by removing the man the greater part of his penis.

The result of this operation was the deprivation of the opportunity to have sex, and urinary incontinence. The man filed for health care providers in court and indeed, in the course of the proceedings it was confirmed that the disability of the lane was the result of a banal medical negligence.

It turned out that the detection of the infection would have doctors a more thorough examination, but this was not done.
The victim has achieved a major compensation, but it may not cover the damage. Lost penis and any opportunity to have intimate life of Andrew lane is undergoing treatment for depression. He stated that he no longer feels a full man.

Earlier Magicforum wrote that scientific studies show: a man’s penis as you age can decrease.