The man died from mad cow disease by eating meat proteins

61-year-old hunter died after a brain protein. It turned out that it led to the contamination of a rare form of mad cow disease.

A man from new York died after Contracting a rare and incurable form of mad cow disease. It turned out that it was caused by brain proteins that the patient has eaten. In an article for a medical journal described how the 61-year-old patient was taken to the hospital with complaints of violations of the processes of thinking. The patient is told that he loses a sense of reality, and some time even stopped to walk. After a thorough examination the man was diagnosed with a degenerative brain disease, which is caused by the same infectious protein, and more famous mad cow disease.

The patient claimed that consumption of beef. It subsequently emerged that the infection comes from the brain absorption of proteins. Relatives told doctors that the man loved to hunt, and recently he ate the brain of a squirrel, although it is not clear whether he ate the brain, or the particles just get into the meat proteins.

In any case, the victim was diagnosed with a rare degenerative brain disorder called disease Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, which develops after contact with tissues of animals exposed to infection. The disease progresses due to the impact of abnormal kinds of proteins called prions. Traditionally, prions are harmless, but when their shape changes, they become infectious and wysiwyt toxic lesions of the brain. Among the symptoms of the disease Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease depression, anxiety, memory loss, personality changes, thought disorder, difficulty swallowing and talking. Intellectual disorders develop very quickly – in just a few months. Most victims of the disease go into a coma and die. This has happened with the patient. (READ MORE)