Tens of thousands of Russian pensioners may suffer from dangerous side effects, mixing statins and herbal preparations. This combination increases the risk of bleeding, it significantly improves the blood sugar levels.
British researchers found that while taking herbal medicines and medicines from the category of statins substantially increases the risk of dangerous side effects, including bleeding and spikes in blood sugar levels. In addition, statins and some other medications like medicines against heartburn and diabetes when combined with the herbal medications might even cease to work effectively. Tens and hundreds of thousands of Russian pensioners in addition to traditional medication often acquire a nutritional Supplement with various beneficial ingredients, including omega-3 and calcium. And now research has shown that these people unknowingly expose themselves to danger, blending traditional and alternative medicines.
The authors of the study interviewed 149 patients older than 65 years who took at least one prescription medication. 44% of respondents were women, they admitted that they regularly use herbal products, or supplements. So did 22% of men. All these pensioners receive prescription drugs to solve such health problems as high blood pressure, type II diabetes and hypothyroidism. Seniors daily intake of from 1 to 18 different prescription drugs.
The researchers found that 6 such combinations pose a significant threat to the health of patients. Unfortunately, General practitioners often do not know what herbal medications their patients are taking, and how they are combined with conventional medicine may affect the health of the elderly. (READ MORE)