Became aware of the fact that the UK will not ship to Russia substance for the production of painkilling medicines. Such a failure encourages the experts to make startling predictions.
In particular, the situation with the refusal of the British side in the supply of chemicals for the production of painkillers commented the Director of the Moscow endocrine plant Mikhail Fonarev. In his opinion, it “can have a negative impact on the provision of medicinal safety of the Russian Federation”.
Fonarev reported that Russian production of pain medicine is dependent on opioid substances, which are purchased in different countries. A number of these countries have introduced anti-Russian restrictions. Our production analgesics repressive measures can cause serious damage.
To make Russian production of painkillers, the independent need of cultivating their own varieties of opium poppy, was the opinion of the head of the company. Now it is impossible by virtue of the provisions of the current legislation, said the lantern.
Earlier Magicforum wrote about the results of a survey of Russian doctors showed that in need of drugs the Russians are not out preferential recipes because of the lack of drugs in pharmacies.