Optimists less likely to die of heart attacks and strokes

Another study showed that the ability to see the glass as half full reduces the risk of heart attack. A positive Outlook on life reduces the pressure on the internal organs.

People are divided into those who believe that the glass is half full, and those who believe that the glass is half empty. The ability of optimism and pessimism influence on human health was proved in multiple studies. And now scientists from Northwestern University in Chicago and Harvard school of public health in Boston found that positive attitude towards life reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke. Optimists made less of an impact on the health of the cardiovascular system by reducing the number of stress hormones, lower blood pressure and reduce heart rate. People with a positive Outlook on life, better eating, more sports, less likely to smoke and consume alcoholic drinks.

The authors of this study examined all existing evidence linking mental health with the cardiovascular system. It turned out that a person’s Outlook on life directly affects the health of his heart. In particular, 25% of people possessing high levels of optimism, reduces thereby the risk of death from heart disease by 38%. It was also proven that if a person has a special purpose in life, it reduces the risk of stroke. So, doctors that deal with heart disease, should advise them to therapy or various relaxation techniques like yoga and martial arts to promote mental health.

Many optimists have their own strategies of planning and problem solving, with which the level of stress hormones in their body decreases. If others think that life is out of control, optimists use different strategies fit with which in their body and decrease indicators of inflammation and it is very important for heart health. (READ MORE)