Hospitals in Russia were forbidden to buy imported medical equipment

Russia may stop purchasing imported medical equipment. Theoretically, such a move poses a threat to the health and lives of hundreds of thousands of patients.

On the website drafts of normative acts of the state contains the document prepared by the Ministry of industry and trade. It contains a proposal to stop purchasing for public hospitals and clinics of imported medical equipment. The authors of the document propose to abandon the procurement of ventilators, blood pressure monitors for measuring intraocular pressure, functional medical beds, torinoko, air sterilizers, concentrates for hemodialysis, and dry-air thermostats. Authors proceed from the assumption that in this way you can support the domestic manufacturer, which produces all this.

In March 2014, for public discussion was submitted the list of the 67 imported medical products, which the Ministry of industry and trade proposed not to purchase. To unsubscribe from procurement officials have suggested that if these products are produced in Russia, and then in the list included many names, from napkins to medical ventilators. Such a proposal was met with a very painful, and after some time the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has publicly acknowledged that the industry is in the medical field Russia can not compete with foreign companies, and therefore the restrictive measures on procurement of medical equipment will refuse.

This did not prevent still to approve this list in 2015 for 46 positions. A year later, the Ministry has expanded the list of 62 names, again incorporating a ventilator. While the therapists noted that even the transition from imported domestic syringes on patients perceived pain for larger diameter needles and their stupidity. However, the syringes even with the not so sharp needle is unlikely to lead to death, but defective or not very good quality ventilator capable of that. (READ MORE)