Scientists have once again revealed the danger of electronic cigarettes. If they begin to be attracted to teenagers, they often switch to traditional tobacco products.
Adolescents who use e-cigarettes, are much more likely to smoke conventional tobacco products, as demonstrated by a study involving 2 000 young people. The authors found that electronic cigarettes are the most important single factor in encouraging adolescents to tobacco products, but other factors like alcohol or cannabis have little effect in this regard. It is also established that adolescents eventually begin to more actively use electronic and conventional cigarettes as are addicted to this unhealthy habit.
The results of this study became another argument in favor of the theory that for teenagers electronic cigarettes are the most fast and simple way to switch to regular Smoking, and not a safe alternative to tobacco, as many people think. Some governments, including the United States, today seek to come to the issue of more stringent regulation of the sale of products that do not contain tobacco. This is especially important when you consider that e-cigarettes are gaining immense popularity among young people in different countries.
In September, the head of the Department of Sanitation for medicines and food USA Scott Gottlieb has called the situation with the use of e-cigarettes among young people is similar to “epidemic”. He demanded from manufacturers of these products to take measures to prevent sales of cigarettes to young people. However, quite often manufacturers claim that teenagers who smoke just use electronic cigarettes in order to quit dangerous habit. (READ MORE)