Depression can cause arthritis

Can depression be a risk factor for arthritis? The researchers found a connection between this mental illness and a sore hip.

Than sinking deeper into depression a person is, the higher the probability of the development of his arthritis, the study showed. Both of these disorders are quite common in older Americans, and become increasingly common with the growth of life expectancy. Arthritis can lead to disability, which in turn causes depression. This phenomenon is well documented. However, scientists from Dartmouth College proved that there is feedback. They found that arthritis is more common among patients with depressionwho did not previously suffer from this autoimmune disorder. Therefore, depression is a risk factor for arthritis.

Only in United States every year is wasted $81 billion on the costs in healthcare related to the treatment of arthritis, which affect 12% of adult Americans. In this country, arthritis is the leading cause of disability. In different countries neuropsychiatric disorders, the most common of which is depression, are the leading cause of disability. So both these diseases is a cause for serious work of the health authorities not only in America but also in other countries of the world. And the more scientists will learn about these diseases and the relationships between them, the better it is.

“Bio-psychological model of chronic pain is not only physical health but also psychological factors of arthritis that often interact and impact negatively on each other, the authors of the study. – The consequences less severe depressive symptoms in elderly patients with arthritis similar to the consequences of depression, including the rise of the level of pain and functional impairment, which in turn affects the effectiveness of treatment and increases the risk of mortality”. (READ MORE)