The golden rule of parenting: Listen to your child and be available

Parenting tips: When they want you to listen, make yourself available to them. This is the golden rule of parenting and it always works wonders.

By Pankaj Kumar Singh

Parenting is not a cakewalk. It is a lifetime role to play as soon as the child comes into the world. You need to understand and deal with challenges that you have never experienced before. And all this calls for an extreme amount of patience and calmness. If you think parenting is all about imparting bookish knowledge to help them pass exams, you are definitely going wrong. In this fast-moving life, parenting calls for a lot more and that too at a different degree altogether. Read this piece of information that explores the various aspects of parenting and how to deal with it.

Set your priority

Parenting is your decision, so you need to set your priorities right. And in the list of priorities, parenting should undoubtedly be at the top. It is important for you to create a balance and give sufficient time to your child in his/her growing years to nurture their personality.

Review your skills

Nobody is born perfect, so expecting a parent to be perfect is unjustified. Having said that, it is important for you as a parent to review how you are dealing with your kids. In case you don’t feel confident, seek expert help to improve your skills so that your behaviour leaves a positive impact.

Avoid labeling

It is important to understand your child than label them by comparing with other kids. This is unjustified even if you’re comparing him/her to someone with positive traits as it can leave a negative impact on their personality.

Accept and move on

Learn to accept your child’s shortcomings. Stop being too harsh on the child and yourself too. It is important to accept reality and move on with the positives of their personality. In fact, try to fuel their passion for their hobbies and interests.

Pay attention

In the age of the internet, it is critical that you pay close attention to your child’s behaviour and the way he/she deals with situations. Pay close attention to their activities and interests. Keep track of new things they learn.

Set a good example

Learning begins at home and for that, you need to set a good example. Setting a positive example for your child has many benefits, for you as well.

Punish lovingly

Punishment as an act might sound rude but is important for kids to learn the difference between good and bad. Having said that, don’t be abusive or violent. The trick to handle your child is to punish him lovingly. Explain the reason, so that they understand and don’t repeat the action in future.

Listen up

When they want you to listen, make yourself available to them. This is the golden rule of parenting and it always works wonders. Listen to your child’s concerns, as this act of yours will give them a sense of importance and boost confidence.

(The writer is MD, Cambridge Montessori Preschools.)

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