What loneliness is dangerous for health

Why loneliness can be so dangerous to our health? Doctors from Harvard, explained the relationship of this phenomenon with different aspects of well-being.

Thanks to technology today, scientists can observe what happens to the brain of a lonely man. Social activity stimulates various areas of the brain. Like muscles, these areas need to remain active in order to be in shape. If they atrophy, which is observed in solitude and isolation, the level of gray matter in the brain is reduced. According to the laws of substitution begins to show activity of another part of the brain, we more keenly feel the pain.

Loneliness negatively affects the entire hormonal system. Overall, the stress hormone cortisol is helpful in stressful situations, but if its level increased steadily, it began to influence almost all biological processes. The antidote to cortisol is the hormone oxytocin, which is produced in social interactions, that is, when communicating. If the same person for a long time arrives alone, cortisol dominates, which can lead to various diseases and ailments.

Overall, the negative effects of loneliness can be overcome with the help of friends, or at least more frequent visits to public places. Even strangers that we see around can help reduce the level of anxiety. Physicians are convinced that people are natural antidepressants, their presence reduces the blood pressure, and overall, visit public places at all good for health. Of course, the biggest effect would still allow friends and acquaintances. (READ MORE)