Treatment of dry cough in children

A dry cough one of the main symptoms of flu and colds. The cough is debilitating even for adults, not to mention the children. The main challenge for parents in this case as soon as possible to alleviate the suffering of the child, to eliminate inflammation in the throat and reduce the severity of attacks.


Why is there coughing in children and how dangerous it is

The most common cause of dry cough in children are acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), the peak of which falls on the autumn-winter season. As a rule, the disease begins with mild sore or irritation in the throat, which further becomes the cause of cough.


Few people know about this, in fact, cough is a protective mechanism. With cough body tries to get rid of foreign particles and microorganisms in the respiratory tract. Thanks to this reflex in the upper respiratory system it creates pressure that pushes the irritating particles and microorganisms. However, this protective mechanism may further lead to problems. Coughing exhaust the body, and the lack of adequate and timely treatment of the underlying disease leads to its progression.

With the progression of the disease dry cough may become wet. However, after all the phlegm comes out, the cough will once again be dry. Coughing can also occur when a bacterial infection of the respiratory tract or occur during the development of allergic reactions. In the latter case, it is important to avoid contact with the allergen, but if this is not possible, to take regular antihistamines.

If the cough is not treated, over time, may develop chronic inflammation of the bronchi (chronic bronchitis) is a condition that is difficult to treat. Prolonged dry cough exhausting and exhausting child. The delicate mucosa of the respiratory tract of children is exposed to frequent irritation, in some cases, blood appears.

Especially treatment of dry cough in children

Before proceeding to the treatment of dry cough, the parents should consider some important aspects of the problem:

  • Cause of cough is not always cold. This means that the child should be mandatory to show the doctor who will perform a competent diagnosis and establish the true causes of dry cough in children. If this is not done, and to resort to self-treatment, that is, the probability that you simply might hurt the child, giving him the wrong medicine.
  • Pay attention to the form of release of drugs. When you cough, the main arms are special cough medicines. However, when it comes to children, it is mandatory to pay attention to the form of release of such drugs. Did you know that small children are not recommended to give medicines in the form of tablets or capsules, because children are difficult to swallow? For children preferred drugs in liquid form as syrups or solutions. Selection of the right dosage depends on the age of the child, illness and other circumstances, which will tell the doctor.
  • Pay attention to the drug. Carefully read the instructions to the drug, specify the composition, dosage, do consult a doctor. Do not be lazy to ask about the experience of the use of such substances in pediatric practice, fortunately, thanks to the Internet this information is freely available.
  • It follows the General rules of treatment of colds and cough. Remember that the child should provide rest and drinking plenty of fluids. Make sure that the air in the room where the child was wet. To do this, use humidifiers.

Popular remedies dry cough

For the treatment of dry cough in children using cough medicines several types:

  • Drugs that block the cough reflex.
  • Drugs soothe irritation in the throat.
  • Drugs that facilitate the transition of dry cough in the wet.
  • A combination of drugs from cough for kids.

As for drugs acting on the cough reflex, they include drugs that act on the peripheral parts of the cough reflex, as well as drugs that act directly on the cough center. These drugs should be taken with care only by physician’s prescription, as they may lead to the development of a number of side effects, including those from the nervous system of the child. Carefully read the instructions to the drugs, since a number of such drugs is allowed only from 12 years of age.


Children up to 2 years drugs that suppress the cough reflex, can not be accepted, because in this age of high likelihood of side effects. From the age of two some drugs of this group are allowed to receive.

Drugs local action eliminate irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, reduce spasms and dilate the smooth muscle in the walls of the bronchi, thereby facilitating the symptoms of cough.

As for thinners and improve sputum discharge, they act in such a way that the expectoration occurs without increase of its volume, which is very important, especially in pediatric patients.

And finally, a combination of drugs from dry cough are used to reduce the severity of cough, removing sputum, and even lowering the temperature (if it was raised).

Antibiotics dry cough

We decided to talk about the antibiotics for the cough. Why? The fact is that these drugs often, unfortunately, take unnecessarily. And uncontrolled use of such drugs leads to serious complications. Once again we remind our readers that antibiotics are drugs that are taken for bacterial infections and against viruses, they just don’t work. So, if you or your child has a viral infection, antibiotics you just will not help.

Antibiotics are only appropriate if there is a serious bacterial defeat of bodies of breath, or there is a risk of developing pneumonia and other bacterial complications. This decision takes only a physician, who assesses the situation, and prescribes antibiotics based on clinical picture and data of the survey.

What you can do at home

At home to help quickly deal with dry cough help for the following procedures:

  • Inhalation. This is a common method of treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The simplest option is the steam inhalation of a solution of baking soda, which especially helps with obsessive cough in children. However, in no case do not spend too inhalation of hot steam, which can burn mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. The temperature of the water for inhalation should not exceed 40 degrees Celsius.
  • Drink plenty of liquids. Provide the child with abundant drink. It may be an ordinary mineral water, herbal teas, fruit drinks and juices. Drinking plenty of fluids helps to avoid dehydration in the heat, increases blood flow and helps to rid the body of toxins and viral particles.
  • Hot milk with soda. A popular folk method of treatment of dry cough is hot milk with soda and butter. To drink such coffee should in small SIPS, so as not to burn the mucous membrane of the oropharynx.
  • The juice of black radish. This method of treatment of dry cough more than one hundred years. Juice black radish with honey is a great way to cope with bouts of dry cough.