The spice that prolongs life

One of the most common spices in our kitchen can contribute to the prolongation of life, it spoke to two experts in the field of healthcare nutritionist Sarah brewer and Juliet, Cello. They suggest to eat black pepper.

According to nutritionists, black pepper is very useful to strengthen the heart, as it reduces the body’s need for salt. Pepper acts as an antioxidant, laboratory tests show that it is capable to remove inflammation. It can be used to increase life expectancy, experts said.

As noted by Sarah brewer and Juliet, Cello, thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect of black pepper is effective against aging. It is the prolonged inflammation contributes to the development of “age-related” health problems such as bowel disease, some cancers, dementia and arthritis.

“Currently, research studies provide evidence of the potential benefits of black pepper for health, including protection against cancer and improve memory,” said brewer, Cello.
In General, to live longer, nutritionists strongly recommend to add to your dishes not containing salt, spices. Experts say that, like black pepper, protects against cancer properties of ginger and turmeric. Brewer and Cello added that laboratory tests had revealed the ability of curcumin to kill cancer cells in the chest, the gut, the stomach and the skin and also stop the growth of tumors. As for ginger, this spice helps to reduce pain associated with arthritis.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about how it can affect the health of red caviar.