The intelligence of the child depends on these three factors

All parents dream that their children grow up healthy, and smart. A new study by American scientists showed three factors that are critical to the development of children’s intelligence.

American scientists have found three most important factors necessary for the development of child’s intelligence. This is a dream, physical activity and limiting time that children spend in front of screens and computers. And all these three factors should be combined because individually they do not work. However, the problem lies in the fact that the vast majority of both American and Russian children do not meet these recommendations. The authors of the study watched 4 500 American children aged 8 to 11 years, and 95% of them did not meet the recommendations developed by expert pediatricians. Moreover, 30% of American children did not meet even one of the three key recommendations on normal rest, physical activity and limiting time in front of screens.

We can easily see how our own children are meeting these recommendations. So, the first States that children aged 5 to 13 years of age should every night to 9 to 11 hours of sleep which is not interrupted. The second recommendation says that children must receive daily at least 60 minutes of physical activity together. Finally, the third recommendation limits the time that children spend in front of screens of computers, smartphones and television sets, two hours a day. Only 51% of American children sleep as much as they experts recommend. However, more than 80% of children and adolescents are not getting enough physical activity, and almost 65% spend considerably more time in front of screens than recommended.

Meanwhile, observations show that if a child meets all of these recommendations, then they positively affect not only his physical, but also intellectual health. In particular, these children demonstrated the most impressive performance in tests for memory, information processing, vocabulary and attentiveness. Moreover, children who are at least partially met the recommendations for 30% better able to cope with all of the tests, compared with children who do not fulfill any recommendation. (READ MORE)