The best foods to protect brain from aging

The study conducted at the University of Illinois in the USA have provided evidence that certain foods can protect the brain from inflammatory processes that contribute to its aging and development of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. About it reported in a press release on EurekAlert!.

The researchers conducted an experiment in mice. Animals were divided into groups, which are kept on a different feed. Tests have shown that rodents, whose food contained a high amount of dietary fiber, showed symptoms reduce inflammation in the intestine. In addition, it was discovered that these animals in the brain decreased the number of proteins potentially damaging to neurons.

Dietary fibers contained in abundance in vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, cereals and bread. According to scientists, their consumption promote the growth of beneficial microflora in the gut. In particular, this aktiviziruyutsya production of short chain fatty acids and specifically butyrate.

The authors found that the increase in the number of butyrate correlates with increasing concentrations of anti-inflammatory substances in the body, which has a positive effect in particular on the state of the brain. Under the action of butyrate abate the activity of genes associated with inflammatory processes in microglia – accumulation of immune cells in the Central nervous system, the researchers noted. They assume that a similar mechanism is also characteristic of the human body.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about how ten simple products have been named by scientists the most healthy in the world.