How to choose the right underwear, so as not to harm health

The contents

Is there a relationship between underwear and cancer?

Choose your bra correctly

How to choose correct size

Choose the shape and cut of the bra

Modern fashion repeating trends in extreme sixties – girls and young women forgo bras. About tastes, as they say, do not argue, but proponents of innovation argue that wearing bras is bad, as compressed by the chest that makes breathing difficult, and the movement constrained. In addition, corsetry fabric injure the mammary glands.

Let’s not talk about the aesthetic side of the issue. I guess some designers seem attractive shaking at the movement of female Breasts free from the bra. But from a medical point of view, the chest is not protected corset lingerie, experiencing constant and uneven load when running, walking or physical labor. If excessive mobility of the chest blood circulation, there is a risk of stagnation in its lower part, which may cause the appearance of seals, that is mastitis.

Opponents wearing underwear talking about the fact that people a hundred thousand years without it, and even without any clothes. They say that women began to wear trousers only in the late sixteenth century, and bras, as we know it appeared only in the beginning of the last century. But in this case, lovers of antiquity we can offer to refuse from soap, shampoo, bedding, washing, showering and other hygienic measures. And it is worth remembering that in those wonderful days, life expectancy was, on average, equal to approximately 30 years.

In fact, if the chest muscles are sufficiently developed, they are able to support a woman’s bust. So that young women can do without a bra. But with age, the body women reduces the amount of estrogen, and the breast droops, and those who wore a bra, and supporters of naturalness.

Among civilized people, the clothing becomes like “a second skin”. We can’t do without it, day or even night. Aesthetics is also associated with clothing, as the soft tissue of the body take the form of well-fitting things.

And that’s underwear, being in direct contact with the body should be especially high quality and appropriate to the figure. Magicforum figured out how to choose the right underwear.

If the chest is not protected by a bra increases the risk of injuries that can lead to inflammatory processes in the Breasts. Inflammation can trigger the development of mastitis, and she, in turn, increases the risk of cancer, including malignant.

Is there a relationship between underwear and cancer?

Of course, no direct links. But our health certainly depends on the choice of underwear. Things are too tight compress the lymphatic vessels, which reduces the effectiveness of the immune system. Long wearing tight underwear can cause various problems. For example, the use of elastic socks can result in varicose veins. Unfortunately, fine sexy lingerie petite panties, lace bras, translucent kombidressy not comfortable and even harmful with constant wear. If the bra is too compresses the breast, this violates the breath, prevents the normal circulation. Stagnation of lymph and blood is fraught with many different problems — it may be an insufficient amount of milk, or even dangerous diseases of the breast.

But if the bra is chosen correctly, it is not only not harmful, but it also protects the delicate skin of the female breast from trauma due to friction of the rough fabric outerwear. Not to stretch the muscle tissue, you need to wear a bra during sport, dance, and physical work.

Specialists of mammalogy believe that wearing a properly sized bra does not harm the breast, but rather protects it. Of course, at night linen must be removed. Women must take care of their Breasts, to protect her from injury. And not use the chest as a battering RAM on a crowded public transport.

If you have discomfort in chest, pain, feeling of pressure, stain or seal — you need to contact mammologu. For prevention you need to consult with a doctor every two years. Women after 35 years, and who have recently given birth, should be screened every year.

Choose your bra correctly

That bra is not harmed, but benefited, you need to correctly select it:

— The belt should not run into a body or interfere with breathing, and mammary gland should occupy the entire volume of the Cup;

— Straps and buckle should not leave scars on the skin;

— The bra should match your size.

How to choose correct size

Measure the girth of the body under the Breasts. If the circumference is equal 63-67 cm, this corresponds to a 65 size, girth 68-72 cm — 70 size, girth 73-77 cm — 75 size and on accordingly.

The Cup size is indicated by letters. To determine your letter, you must measure the chest girth at the level of the protruding points and subtract the circumference under the Breasts. The difference is 11-12 cm corresponds to the size of AA, 13 cm size And 15 cm In size, 17cm — size S, 19 cm — the size of D.

The clothes stores are usually in stock and sizing, and centimeter.

Choose the shape and cut of the bra

For this you need to consider the fullness and shape of the breast. The main difference of bras is to cut of the cups, which can be seamless, three-seam or double seam. If the seam is horizontal, the bust is rounded, that corrects cone-shaped Breasts. If the chest is too narrow, you can use a bra with slightly inclined or vertical seams. T-shaped seams pull the bust.

The shape of the breast is corrected and using cut only a bra. For example, if the chest is too wide, you can do it, choosing the desired length of the strips of fabric connecting the cups. Modern invention is a seamless bra made from specially treated fabric, allowing the cups to accurately replicate the shape of the breast. They are suited to owners of large or small bust. These bras are good for women with heart diseases or mastopathy.

When choosing pay attention to the quality of the seams, used thread. The product must not crack, scratch or RUB the skin.

Choosing the color, it is better to prefer bright colors. In the manufacture of dark linen used dyes that could damage your health. This is especially true of cheap lingerie, especially sold in the market — his staining might occur in a primitive method. Paint through the skin may enter the body. This is especially true in the hot summer, and for those who have observed the excessive sweating, since wet skin facilitates the absorption of the coloring pigment.

Earlier it was announced the pros of underwear made of spandex.