How to avoid diabetes? 7 important recommendations

According to the world health organization, more than 400 million people worldwide have diabetes. The vast majority – the second type of disease in which cells lose sensitivity to insulin. How to protect against this pandemic? Tell:

1. Don’t smoke

Smoking reduces the body’s sensitivity to insulin – this hormone controls the sugar level in the blood.

2. Reduce stress levels

When you are nervous, your body releases glucose. And if stress becomes chronic, it can lead to high blood sugar.

3. Don’t do drugs

Amphetamines, ecstasy, MDMA – according to a Global community of diabetes, these substances inhibit the action of insulin. When consumed regularly, they can cause disease.

4. Do not take medicines blindly

Steroids, antipsychotics and some medications for asthma effect on blood sugar. Negotiate with the attending physicianas their benefits to your health outweigh the potential risks. And never self-medicate.

5. Follow the diet

Obesity can easily launch a diabetes 2-go type. Limit yourself to calories and carbohydrates: this is necessary in order not to stress the pancreas and not get fat. Thus it is necessary to eat varied and eat more vegetables.

If you already have extra pounds and you are over 40, regular check blood sugar and monitor blood pressure.

6. Exercise

The American diabetes Association has warned that a sedentary lifestyle inhibits the action of insulin. At the same time, even light physical activity increase.

Consider the rule for at least 30 minutes a day to run, swim, dance, etc.

7. Don’t ignore the symptoms

Fatigue, thirst, frequent urination, weight loss, elevated blood sugar, velvety brown spots on skin – if you have these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. The sooner you are diagnosed with “diabetes” or “prediabetes”, the lower the risk of complications.

Even a diabetic with years of experience can live almost full, if it is to look after their health. Don’t believe? Read the article “In Russia launched the world’s first reality show about life with diabetes”.