Harmful popcorn?

In the view of most people, popcorn is something like French fries: fat, calories, harmful dish. “Food debris,” as fans of healthy food. And actually, corn is a very useful product. And here’s why:

1. Popcorn is rich in antioxidants

Corn grains contain polyphenols. These natural chemical compounds to protect cells from free radical damage and prevent the development of cancer.

2. Contains a lot of fiber

Fiber does to our body a lot of useful things: reduces cholesterol and blood sugar, cleanses from toxins and carcinogens, reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases, cleanses the intestines.

Due to the lack of dietary fiber may develop atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, and even cancer of the digestive tract and rectum. Fans of popcorn from these ailments protected: 300 grams of corn contain the daily norm of fiber.

And in corn grains contain b vitamins, vitamin a and potassium. Good set for a “junk” food?

3. It is useful in diabetes

Have popcorn low glycemic index. And he restores insulin production and (remember?) reduces the level of blood sugar.

4. It is very satisfying

Calorie natural popcorn without any additives – about 380 calories per 100 grams. But the blown-up grain is such a large amount in the stomach that arises about the effect of saturation. Even after a small handful to feel full and satisfied for hours. And Madonna even said that thanks to the popcorn she lost weight after giving birth.

It turns out, popcorn is useful?

Popcorn is endorsed by the American Association of dietitians, and the Russian Academy of medical Sciences. But this applies only to natural popcorn.

The product we offer in cinemas, from described qualities Oh so far. It usually contains a huge amount of sugar. It causes thirst and in cinemas are often the only sweet drinks. In combination with syrup of popcorn, your body gets a sugar bomb. Besides, in the sweet popcorn full of simple carbohydrates and “empty” calories.”

Kettle corn does not help the situation. Due to excess salt in the body the water balance, and, again, the hand reaches for the soda.

In addition, American pediatricians do not recommend the popcorn to children under four years. According to them, popcorn is one of the most frequent causes of death from asthma among children.

And what do you do?

It is best to prepare yourself. Corn kernels for popcorn without additives are sold in large supermarkets. You can fry them in a pan with regular cooking oil or cook in the microwave. For a taste of popcorn sprinkled with a little salt or powdered sugar.