Folk remedies for colds. How to treat a cold at home?

Treatment at home can be effective, if we are talking about milder forms of the disease, without fever and pains in the body. Folk remedies for colds well help to cope with symptoms such as cough, sore throat, nasal congestion and General malaise.

The treatment of colds theme that does not lose its relevance all year round. If you think that you can only catch a cold in winter, you are mistaken. And in the warm kodomono to catch the virus, get sick with flu and even to pneumonia. But we’re not here to discuss hard cases, but will confine ourselves to a slight cold, which can be overcome without medication.

Remember that the flu is a viral disease, accompanied by intoxication. The best way to remove virus particles and toxic substances excessive drinking. Treatment at home is primarily a mission to 2.5-3 liters per day.

A mild form of SARS (colds) can not be treated at all. To prevent infection you need to wear a mask when in contact with children, often airing and hand washing

Often a cold begins with mild sore throat, which is replaced by pain and cough. Without waiting for aggravation of the disease, begin to act do rinse.

Rinse is better suited decoctions of herbs, such as chamomile, sage or calendula. Also gargling using Apple cider vinegar. Dissolve in a glass of warm water 3 teaspoons of Apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey. Rinse with this solution throat 3-6 times a day.

Perhaps the most unpleasant in the cold is a stuffy nose, which does not allow the patient to breathe normally. The most popular funds from the nasal congestion are vasoconstrictive drops or sprays that for several moments can relieve the swelling. However, it is best to do without them in view of their adverse effects on the nasal mucosa.

To facilitate nasal breathing doctors recommend nasal rinsing with salted water. Buy a sea salt solution at the pharmacy, and it can be prepared at home (1 tsp salt to 300 ml of water).

If the common cold (flu, SARS) long, required more intensive treatment. It is more adequate to pick up the treatment scheme will help the General analyses of blood, buck. sowing, examination of the ENT doctor.

A cough can be combated by using syrup of onions and honey. Macrosite finely 2 onions and pour them with honey. Let the mixture infuse for a few hours, then eat it 1-2 tablespoons 4-6 times a day.

Remember that the appearance of fever, aches in the body and General weakness to fight the common cold alone is not recommended. Please contact your doctor.


  • Traditional methods of cold treatment
  • the flu and colds
  • a cold or allergies?