Exercises will help men to have healthy children

Actively involved in sports for years before conceiving children men subsequently have a more healthy offspring. Even if they adhere to the fat diet.

Wishing to become fathers men should now start going to the gym. Conducted on laboratory mice research has shown that receiving intensive physical activity even before conception males subsequently have offspring with a more healthy metabolism. Their children have noted increased levels of fat in the body, and the processing of sugar in the blood is carried more efficiently. And this happens even if do males follow not too useful fatty diet.

Previous studies have linked the diet of expectant parents with metabolic changes in their children and the likelihood of developing type II diabetes. A team of scientists from the University of Ohio believes that these data demonstrate the ability of physical activity to fully mitigate the impact of an unhealthy diet on the offspring due to changes in key genes in the sperm of the fathers. These findings were obtained after the researchers fed one group of mice a normal diet and the second fatty foods. In this part of the mice led a sedentary lifestyle, and part was subjected to intensive loads.

Although the study was conducted on laboratory mice, the results can be attributed to humans, scientists believe. It is known that obesity in adult males has a negative impact on testosterone levels, sperm count and their mobility, which reduces the likelihood of conception. Many studies have concluded that fathers prefer unhealthy food, children are more often faced with serious illnesses, but for the first time researchers have shown that these genetic consequences of poor nutrition men can be completely overcome if sports. (READ MORE)