Best dried fruit for cancer

Recent studies have shown that dried plums (prunes) can reduce the risk of developing colon cancer. The head of one of these studies, Professor the University of Texas, Nancy Turner, said that the consumption of prunes stimulates the growth of intestinal bacteria, which protect against growth of tumors.

The study showed that the phenolic compounds found in prunes, work as antioxidants, protecting cells from destructive free radicals that affect DNA and thereby increase the risk of development of cancer cells.

Scientists conducted an experiment on rats. Animals were divided into groups, one of which was kept on a diet with prunes. As a result, those rats who received dried plums, has improved the condition of the intestinal microflora: in particular, it was observed a reduction of unhealthy intestinal flora.

“The rats that consumed dried plums, there has been a recovery of the microbiota in the distal part of the colon (the last part of the colon). These same rats, the chances of getting cancer was the lowest,” reported the researchers.
According to their conclusion, using prunes stimulates healthy processes in the intestinal microflora and thereby reduces the risk of colon cancer.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about the use of any fruits and vegetables helps to stop the aging process.