A bad cold: how to treat

Before you start to treat a bad cold, you should make sure it’s not the flu. How to do this, read our article How to distinguish the flu from SARS. If you are sure that you have the flu, you can treat it using this instruction.

Bring down a high temperature

The first thing you need to bring down the heat (if it’s really high!). Hyperthermia happens to be red and white. Look closely in the mirror. If the skin is pale, you are very cold and exudes drops of cold sweat is not a good sign, and you need to call the doctor. But if the face is red, there is a feeling that the skin is burning, hold the thermometer. Do not rush to be fever if the thermometer shows less of 39.1. Give your body time to fight viruses and bacteria. To make it easier to get through this time and to cool the body, you can use a weak solution of vinegar or alcohol. To do this, dissolve any of these substances in water (1:5) and wipe with a towel soaked in the prepared solution. It is important to be patient and not to hide for 10-15 minutes. Measure the temperature again. Still high and even rising even more? You can take the pill. Suitable for adults Aspirin, Paracetamol or Ibuprofen (don’t forget to read the instructions on the packaging). Now, lie down, take cover and drink warm tea.

Associated symptoms:

Redness of the face Redness of the skinChillsFatigue Sore throat when swallowing Sore throatRunny nose Dry cough CoughCough Heat (fever, hyperthermia, fever) Headache

Taken by the throat

When severe cold is often a sore head. I hope you didn’t have far to defer the mirror. See the red throat or on the tonsils appeared white film? If the latter, it may be angina, which require a specific approach to treatment. And yet, at this stage, the main task is to disinfect the throat and reduce inflammation. For this podogorica mouthwash horla: a solution based on penicillin, furatsilina or baking soda; and throat sprays (for example, Yoks, Ingalipt, Luge etc.); lozenges for sore throat; herbal infusions (Linden, eucalyptus, chamomile, calendula, St. John’s wort)and a mixture of herbal tinctures. Again, you lie down, take cover and drink tea.

Eliminate runny nose and cough

With a strong cold temperature and sore throat are often not the only symptoms. There may be cough and runny nose. Colds cough is dry and periodicity can stand a small amount of sputum. To kill and runny nose with a cold and cough at the same time, you can use steam inhalation herbal. Do not interfere, and nasal sprays or drops (At, Immediately, a Cold, etc.). However, please note that decongestants can cause addiction and chronic nasmork, therefore, to use them longer than a week is not recommended. With a weak nasal congestion and runny nose, you can try to cook roaster for nasal lavage alone.Now open the window and go to the kitchen, you guessed it, tea. The fact is that drinking plenty of fluids though simple, but is one of the most effective ways as soon as possible to get rid of even the strongest colds. Plenty of fluids will prevent dehydration and intoxication of the body with cold(toxins come out with sweat and urine) will help to normalize the temperature and speed up expectoration. Perfect warm (not hot) green or raspberry tea with honey, lemon and ginger. Strong cold the body the necessary vitamins, especially vitamin C. Typically, during a severe cold, lost appetite. This is normal, and yet, a little bit to eat warm chicken broth.

And the rest…

Now it’s time to provide yourself proper rest. And you can negelect and sleep, now it is more than you need tired body. To sleep was comfortable (and with a cough and runny nose is difficult), you need to put the head under another pillow, it will ease the outflow of mucus. Waking up, again measure the temperature and drink tea. If in the morning you are feeling of relief is not terrible, repeat all the above procedure and wait. And if the fever lasts longer than three days and the rest of the cold symptoms worsen, it is time to seek professional help.

Associated diseases:
