5 outdated ideas about the harm of sugar

Scientists from Norway made in the press with the view that over consumption of sugar, there are many prejudices. In particular, a Professor and nutritionist at the University of Oslo Svein, Kolset said that the sugar completely in vain called poison for the body.

According to nutritionist, the sugar “is not a poison, and energy.” Glucose in the absorption is processed by enzymes of the intestine and becomes part of the body, whereas fructose enters the liver, said his Colset.

“If, on the other hand have to worry about the amount of consumed sugar. Try not to overeat,” he advised the scientist.
Consumption of added sugar be limited to two percent of the total number of calories.

Denied the experts and the popular theory that sugar is addictive. Professor of nutritional medicine at the University of Oslo Christian Drevon noticed that “sugar addict become impossible.” He and some of his colleagues expressed the view that “sugar addiction” is often used rather to justify the uncontrolled bad habits of a sweet tooth than to reflect the real properties of the sugar.

“To become dependent on sugar can not. To suggest otherwise, to forget that there are real drugs. Also much more people are drawn to fatty or salty”, – commented on the problem the expert of the National Association cardiovascular disease Eric Arnesen.
In addition, experts have called a misconception that eating sugar leads to diabetes. According to them, diabetes primarily develops in the abuse of food and calories, unwanted weight.

“Sugar itself is not the cause of type II diabetes. First, we need to have a genetic predisposition to this disease. Added to this are unhealthy diet, inactivity, Smoking and excess weight,” – said Norwegian scientists.
They also stated that regular sugar is no more harmful than sugar substitutes, and fruit sugar is not healthier than the “classic” white.

Earlier Magicforum wrote about what scientists think about the ranking of the most harmful influences.