5 easy ways to remove 500 calories from the diet

If you have excess weight, but haven’t started to deal with it, then it’s time to get to work. Here are 5 simple ways to seize as many as 500 calories per day from your plate.

Say no to nuts. The more the Cup of these Goodies, the more you eat, found researchers from Cornell University. Just one handful fried in butter nuts contains more than 170 calories. Well, who is limited to one or a handful?

Discard the habit of eating in front of TV. Thus, you eat up to 288 calories more than I eat without such stimulus, as found by scientists from the University of Massachusetts. Try the good old Lunches and dinners at the kitchen table with family.

Do not pass up the salads, but refrain from fatty dressings. All of them are chock-full of calories, especially different kinds of cheese sauces and mayonnaise. Often salads ingredients such as mushrooms or onions.

Try the small plates. The refusal from large plates to small allows to reduce daily calories by 20%. A consequence of this will become more flat belly and sexy figure.

Discard the cream. No matter if you add them to coffee or in other dishes, but the cream is very fatty and high-calorie product. If you are unable to drink regular black coffee, then add back ordinary milk. (READ MORE)