Experts called the top 5 home remedies treatment, food poisoning. They should try just in case, if the poisoning is not accompanied by severe symptoms that require a doctor’s care.
Let’s start with Apple cider vinegar, which is available in the kitchen of every housewife. This fluid facilitates the inflammatory process, producing a calming effect on the shell of the gastrointestinal tract, and due to its acidity vinegar can provide almost instant relief from the symptoms of carbon monoxide poison foodI. Of course, it does not need to drink in solid form – two tablespoons of vinegar mixed with a glass of hot water and drink before eating.
Fenugreek seeds good effect on people suffering from stomach disorders. A teaspoon of these seeds put in water until they become soft. Then the seeds can be mixed together with some yoghurt. Use it throughout the day several times.
Tangible help with food poisoning can have garlic, which relieves symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal pain due to its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal effects. Put the garlic in your mouth, suck a bit and follow with a glass of warm water. You can also boil water with a few cloves of garlic and drink it throughout the day.
Another acidic product is a lemon, which helps get rid of bacteria that cause indigestion. Mix a pinch of sugar with a teaspoon of lemon juice and drink this solution two to three times a day to clean the entire digestive system. Also a glass of warm water a squeeze of lemon, eat it too during the day.
Well and completes our rating med, which for many centuries has been used for the treatment of nesvarenie and other symptoms of food poisoning due to its antimicrobial and antifungal effects. Eat a teaspoon of organic honey, three times a day in order to control the formation of excess acidity which causes unpleasant symptoms in the abdomen. (READ MORE)