Young women snore more often than men

It turned out that young women are the most important snorers. Every third woman aged from 25 to 34 years of very intense snoring at least three nights a week.

When we talk about the problem of snoring, you usually imagine an overweight man of middle age, which brings forth these sounds of his unfortunate wife. Women often keep men snoring in the next room to properly sleep. However, the survey revealed that the main snorers in the world are women, not men, and young age. Researchers from the UK found that if the among young men aged 25 to 34 years, the number of Khrapunov is 31%, among women it reaches 34%. We are talking about those people who are extremely loudsnoring does not hurt three nights a week.

Only more age group men outnumber women in the number of snoring. In the category of 50 to 64 years, 45% of men snore intensively at least three times a week. Number of snoring women here is only 35%. The most amazing is that after 75 years, the number of snoring generally is sharply reduced. The study authors defined only the proportions, but I didn’t set out to find out why older people stop snoring.

You should not take snoring as something funny or innocent. Most often it is accompanied by a disorder called sleep apnea, which people can not normally sleep. Additionally, this year, several studies have tied heavy snoring with an increased risk of dementia and serious memory problems. Although medicine offers a whole Arsenal of tools to combat snoring, none of them even showed his universal effectiveness. (READ MORE)