White noise the background sound of the TV and other appliances are often recommended for the treatment of tinnitus or ringing in the ears. At the same time, according to new data, he can accelerate the aging of the brain, reduce its ability to process information. Reported by JAMA Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery
Scientists have found that listening to white noise, even if it’s not loud, it ages the brain, destroying certain neurotransmitters. The study’s author Attar Mouna (Mouna Attarha) from an Iowa University says:
A growing number of evidence that when the brain receives unordered information, which is white sound, it formed a new connection, adversely affecting its performance.
It is believed that the tinnitus causes inability of the human brain to filter out different sounds perceived by the ear. Also this condition can occur when the brain can no longer decipher some of the sound stimuli and begins to interpret them incorrectly. White noise is recommended to such patients for driving a constant ringing in the ears.
It was thought that tinnitus is associated with impaired metabolism of certain neurotransmitters in the brain. After conducting animal studies, scientists came to the conclusion that white noise has on the brain the same effect even if the volume is within the limits allowed by regulatory bodies.
Scientists believe that as white noise and tinnitus accelerate the aging process in the brain, so the noise is better not to recommend for use in therapeutic purposes.
It should be noted that although the results sound ominous, the effect of white noise on the brain is still insufficiently investigated in humans.
Ukrainian Andrei